Purchasing Trees and Planting a Hazelnut Orchard
If you are thinking about planting a hazelnut orchard, we would like to help. There are a number of things that should be done before you purchase trees to insure success. Please feel free to call Mike at 519-350-2801 for assistance. The varieties that we carry are listed below. You will also find a link to a full description of each variety in our price list.
Varieties Available
This variety is a small (2.3g) high yielding variety with excellent flavour and attractive skin. It is used primarily in the kernel market but is also suitable for the in shell market.
Jefferson produces a large (3.7g) nut and is a good choice for the in shell market.
Rutgers varieties
These varieties will be tested in Ontario over the next few years and will be available once they are approved.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What kind of soil do I need?
Well drained soil with pH between 6 and 7 is best.
Loamy sand, sandy loam, loam and clay loam soils are
all suitable if they are well drained.
2. What are the common problems and challenges?
Eastern filbert blight is the biggest problem. The new
disease resistant cultivars and, good management and
timed fungicide applications are the keys to managing
this disease
3. Can I make money?
Returns per acre start at 4000 and go up from there.
Yields in a productive orchard should be between 2000
and 4000 pounds. prices range from $2 a pound up to
$20 per pound for high end in shell fresh market.
4. How strong is the market for hazelnuts?
Very strong. Ontario grown hazelnuts are in demand
over a wide range of markets and end users.